Autumn Faves

October is my favorite month of the year (followed closely by June, July, and August) and I can't let it slip away without celebrating its joys. What do you love about this glorious, golden month?

1. Pumpkins--carved or whole, orange or white and lit with a candle. On the front porch, or in muffins, pies, bread, or cake. But not the ones chewed by squirrels.

2. Color. Color. Color.


 4. Sweaters and scarves.

5. The harvest moon.

man-in-moon tint

6. Sleeping with the windows cracked.

7. And speaking of sleeping, flannel PJs.

8. Walks in the woods.


9. The start of winter cooking: soups, stews, and slow-cooked roasts.

10. Halloween, when we're kids again. And when a few of us make ourselves sick on candy corn.

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