"Know'st Me Not By My Clothes?"*
/I am a woman of many weaknesses--caffeine, dark chocolate, cheap chardonnay, Bravo television, and Robert Downey, Jr., just to name a few. And while I can cut back on the wine, miss the housewives, and accept the fact that RDJ will never come calling, there is one temptation I can rarely resist--new clothes. A recent trip to Marshalls to check out the spring stock (that yielded some cute summer dresses, by the way) prompted me to engage in my second favorite clothing-oriented activity: the seasonal clothes switch. So while I love my flat-heeled boots, wool dresses and winter cardigans, it is high time they went into hibernation.
It's worth the trudge up to the attic just to unearth last year's surprises, like those cute metallic sandals I forgot I had. And revisiting last season's treasures is almost as good as buying new ones. There's a pleasure in those crisp, cotton blouses and summer T-shirts, and and joy to be found in the burst of color that replaces all the earth tones of winter.
It's time for breaking out the white denim, filmy tops, and shoes that reveal a peek of that new pedicure, and I'm more than ready for it. Now if I could only face putting on that bathing suit. . . *Wm. Shakespeare
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