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/It's a slightly cloudy Last Day of Summer, aka Labor Day, here in New Jersey. And while there's a part of me that longs for summer to be infinite, there's another part that's excited. As a teacher, my job is seasonal and cyclical, divided by semesters and quarters, and marked by holidays and milestones, from First Day to graduation. And though teaching feeds my craving for routine, it also affords daily surprises. And more importantly, each September year gives me and my students something life doesn't always offer: another chance. A new year, shiny as those new school supplies and clean as those new shoes, gives us all a new start. We can erase last year's mistakes, do better, and be better. And that's just one of the reasons I love my day job. The other 99 will be filing into my classroom on Wednesday.
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Oh, and guys--I know you're out there. See you in home room. ;>